Claire is a very well-mannered and responsible student. She is a white, heterosexual, red-headed girl of European ancestry which can primarily be traced back to Germany. She comes from a middle-class Christian family located in Fowlerville, Michigan. She has one brother who is older than her by two years whom she loves despite their continued and very active sibling rivalry. She also has a loving and supportive mother and father who upholds a very healthy marriage. Claire is very active in her faith due to “the sense of community and belonging” it provides. She chose to attend LCC since it was close to home and there were no dorms that she had to move into. She expressed how a dorm building wasn’t really “a scene” that she felt she would thrive in. She is currently a Biology major and wishes to transfer to MSU to major in Zoology. She said, “I really just want a job where I can be hands-on with animals while also providing comfort and care for them.” When she is not working on academics she enjoys reading books about mysteries and listening to indie or K-pop music. When she gets older she wants to start a family with a nice house and two kids, similarly to how she was raised. 

“I am LCC” is an ethnographic project that brings together students to interview each other and share their stories of cultural heritage and migration through words and photos, making the exotic familiar and the familiar exotic. The students develop interviewing skills, and learn that researcher and interviewee are both subjects and thus together create meaning.

Media Description: A young girl with red hair and glasses along with her dog in the foreground.

Instructor: Krishnakali Majumdar

Item Credit: Kai Heck