
The anti-war movement reached its height in terms of the number of participants during the Vietnam War. The movement was also the most organized during this time with influence from well-known activists such as Martin Luther King Jr. This project examines the strategy used by these people in their fight against warfare.


The anti-vietnam war movement was successful largely due to its non-violent tactics and ability to grow from mainly pacifists to groups of all kinds, such as student protesters. Influential and historical figures also helped the movement gain traction and were crucial to some developments of the foundation for the movement.

Key Themes-

  • Nonviolent protests were a key theme in this movement. 
  • Activists ranged from famous athletes and musicians like Muhammad Ali and Marvin Gaye to civil rights activists like Fannie Lou Hamer
  • The war was morally wrong to these activists as well as an economic wrong

Concepts to Explain-

  • Student protests shifted attention to the anti-war movement away from free speech
  • Realization from the American people that the government lied to them about the war
  • Resentment from college students about the draft

Supporting Evidence-

  • March on Washington was the largest peace march in U.S history to that point, including many well-known figures
  • Naming The System speech which became famous for the student movement
  • The argument that the North Vietnamese were fighting a war to free themselves, thus U.S involvement was immoral due to the damage it caused


Instructor: Professor Janowick

Item Credit: Zakary Casler