
Student Innovation & Creativity Showcase for Lansing Community College

Following Children’s Interest Through Observation

I believe in following children’s interest to expand their engagement and knowledge through play. While spending my time in the classroom, I thought I was not observing correctly. I was wrong, I just needed to really look over my observations to create activities and offer materials that interest the children. I have learned the importance of following children’s interest when planning and implementing activities because when I observe and plan what they like they are interested in the activity, and it maximizes the child’s learning.

I believe that to follow children’s interests I need to observe, observe, and observe. I have learned that it is important to observe what a child is interested in and then I can use what information I gathered to plan meaningful activities for children based on their interest. While observing in the classroom a child stood out to me. I needed to observe the child to see what could be done to support them. I observed and I figured it out! The child just was not being offered activities and materials that interest them. So, I observed the child again, closely. I see it now! As the child was playing with the alpha bot transformers, they like to transform things! One day I offered magna tiles to them, and we built a house, castle, and car together. They sat and engaged in that activity as they focused on what they were doing. I was engaged with them noticing how they can sit still and really participate. What could I offer next? The animals with magnetic body parts that can be interchanged with each other. Yes, they enjoyed them as the alligator body had a giraffe head, and the elephant head was on the body of the giraffe.

I believe in following children’s interest to expand their engagement and knowledge through play. Through observation I found what interests a child and was able to offer engaging activities for them, while connecting learning with interests. When I follow children’s interest, I support their engagement in their learning. Motivating them to want to engage and learn more.

Instructor: Danielle Savory

Item Credit: Alta Irwin

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StarScapes • blame cogdogSPLOTbox theme is based on Garfunkel by Anders Norén.
